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Video workshops

We have a range of occupational therapy video available to watch including functional skills and sensory workshops.


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Videos: Functional skills workshops

  • Part 1: Functional skills workshop - introduction: In this video, we focus on how to encourage your child to develop the skills they need for everyday life. The workshop is divided into short videos enabling you to select advice and information that is most relevant to your situation. This introduction includes the aims of the workshop including discussing the Person Environment Occupation (PEO) model and provides information on what we do as occupational therapists. Watch the video
  • Part 2: Functional skills workshop - everyday functional tasks: In this video, we focus on what a typical day would look like in your home / school environment and identify everyday functional tasks that your child would engage in. We encourage reflection to identify which activities your child finds difficult and explore what challenging factors may be impacting on your child’s doing. Watch the video
  • Part 3: Functional skills workshop - how to grade an activity: In this video, we focus on providing practical occupational therapy strategies that can be applied to everyday functional tasks. We explore specific grading approaches including break down steps using backwards chaining and how to implement these approaches using examples. Watch the video
  • Part 4: Functional skills workshop - how to set achievable targets: In this video, we discuss how to set achievable targets and the importance of attention to support learning. We provide examples, strategies and advice to support setting targets. This video also includes information to access additional resources for parents / carers, school and other professionals. Watch the video

Videos: Sensory workshops

  • Part 1: Sensory workshop - introduction: This video aims to increase your understanding of sensory processing difficulties and the impact they can have in everyday life. It will provide you with some strategies that you will be able to implement to support your child's sensory needs. This video is divided into short sections to enable you to select advice and information that is most relevant to you. This introduction includes the aims of the workshop including the role of the occupational therapist and a description of the Person Environment Occupation (PEO) model. Watch the video
  • Part 2: Sensory workshop - sensory beings: In this video the focus is to develop your understanding of sensory processing and how it relates to everybody. We encourage you to think about your own sensory needs and what you do to self-regulate. Watch the video
  • Part 3: Sensory workshop - sensory thresholds: In this video, we look at what factors can influence our ability to manage our sensory needs. It explains our calm / alert state and our sensory thresholds and how these can fluctuate throughout the day. It will also explore the differences between sensory difficulties versus behaviours. Watch the video
  • Part 4: Sensory workshop - senses: This video explains our senses, the well-known ones and those relating to how we move. It will provide examples of how difficulties within certain sensory systems related to every day function difficulties and when an occupational therapist needs to become involved. Watch the video
  • Part 5: Sensory workshop - sensory strategiesThis video provides you with some sensory strategies that can be implemented within every day activities to help your child maintain their calm / alert state to help increase and promote their occupational performance. Watch the video
  • Part 6: Sensory workshop - classroom strategies: This video provides you with some strategies that can be implemented within the classroom to help children maintain their calm / alert state. Watch the video 

Occupational Therapy Helpline

For further information, advice or questions, please contact the Occupational Therapy Helpline open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm on 01932 558 570.