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10 to 14 day new birth visit

Our health visitors offer every family a new birth visit appointment. This is normally between 10 and 14 days after your baby is born.

This appointment is at the baby's home and normally after your midwife has handed over your care to the Health Visiting team.  

You will receive your Personal Child Health Record 'Red book' from your midwife. This is your book to record details about your child's health, growth, immunisations and development milestones.

If you have not already received your child's Red book, your health visitor will give you one at this new birth appointment.

The Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line on 01883 340 922 is available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and provides support on all aspects of child health, development and parenting.

Please visit the emotional wellbeing and mental health page to read about the support available for you.

Do you know why Vitamin D supplements are important for you and your child?

Please read more on our Vitamin D page where you can also find information about the Healthy Start Scheme.

You may have physical problems after having a baby. These can be related to pregnancy or birth, or the things you do while caring for young children, such as lifting and bending.

For some problems, you can do a lot to help yourself. For example, if you have a leaky bladder (incontinence) or a heavy feeling between your vagina and anus, you may need to strengthen the muscles around your bladder by doing pelvic floor exercises. Find our more on the NHS website (incontinence).

Pelvic floor muscle exercises don't just help to stop incontinence, they can improve prolapse symptoms and make sex better too. To find out more about prolapse visit the NHS website (prolapse).

You can also visit the the Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy website for further information including:

The Squeezy app supports your pelvic health and is designed by  physiotherapists. Please note there is a cost to this app.

If you and/or your children are scared, frightened, being controlled or hurt by someone you know or live with please contact:

In an emergency, call 999.

Visit the Healthy Surrey website for advice, advocacy, practical help and support.

Baby Buddy is free a pregnancy and parenting app which provides trusted, evidence-based information and self care tools for parents, co-parents and caregivers in Surrey. 

It aims to empower you to build your knowledge and confidence, from early pregnancy to your child’s first birthday with: 

  • Fun, engaging interactive features to ‘learn without the burn’
  • A huge video library – including tips on breastfeeding and the Small Wonders Change Programme for premature and low birthweight babies 
  • Out of the Blue – videos promoting mental health 
  • Support and advice particularly tailored to dads 
  • ‘Today’s information’ - personalised, bite-size daily updates  

Watch the video to find out more

Baby Buddy video.jpg

99% of parents using the app say that it’s easy to use and has helped them to take care of their children. 

Download the app from your usual app store by searching on ‘Baby Buddy’. 

Families living in Surrey can get access to free online guides that include top tips from childcare, education and NHS health experts.

Visit our Free guides: understanding your baby, child or teenager page to find out more.