School nurses are registered nurses who have completed additional specialist training in school nursing.
Our School Nursing teams are made up of school nurses, registered nurses, nursery nurses and clinical health assistants.
The School Nursing team works across Surrey to promote physical health and emotional wellbeing in schools and in the community. This includes issues such as sexual health, illnesses, healthy eating, exam stress and bullying.
Watch our video with school nurse Charlene to find out how school nurses support young people.
Being available to young people, parents, carers and teaching staff to address any concerns about a child’s health
Providing health advice to help children and young people make the most of their education
Completing health reviews with children starting primary and secondary school
Holding health drop-ins in secondary schools offering young people an opportunity to discuss health issues confidentially
Supporting young people who have specific medical needs and providing relevant training for staff to help manage these needs
Delivering classroom-based health education
Supporting immunisation programmes in school
Leading community clinics to help children with night-time wetting
Working with school-aged children in the community who have been excluded or where families have chosen to educate at home.
School readiness
Bookable sessions are available to all Surrey parents covering general health topics, helping your child prepare and settle into school including separation anxiety, bedwetting, dental hygiene, healthy lunchboxes, sleep plus a lot more.
Early toileting
Find out more about the support we offer on all aspects of toileting.
Online early toileting sessions offer advice tips and answer any questions – presented by the school nurse teams across Surrey.
Resources available to support the online sessions
Across Surrey, we offer a text support service call
Visit the Chat Health webpage to find out more.
Surrey students aged 11 to 14 can visit the Safe Space Health website. The website provides physical, emotional and wellbeing health information in an accessible, fun and interactive way. Watch the video about Safe Space Health
Our school nurses work in partnership with parents and schools to provide PSHE (personal, social and health education) to primary and secondary school children.
In primary school, we cover topics such as personal hygiene, what to expect in puberty and healthy eating.
In secondary school, we cover topics such as positive relationships, sexual health, emotional resilience and promoting healthly lifestyle choices.
This school-based programme is part of the National Curriculum.
Our school nursing team provides health reviews in primary school for your child (in state schools) as part of the National Child Measurement Programme.
Our school nursing teams across Surrey promote physical health and emotional wellbeing in schools and in the community. This includes issues such as sexual health, illnesses, healthy eating, exam stress and bullying.
School nurses:
provide health advice to help young people make the most of their education
hold health drop-ins offering young people an opportunity to discuss health issues confidentially
deliver classroom-based health education
support immunisation programmes in school
We offer a text service called ChatHealth, a confidential school nurse messaging service for students at school.
Some school nurses offer drop-in sessions for young people to talk about anything that may be worrying them.
All of the issues discussed are confidential unless a child's safety, or that of others, is at risk. Our school nurses will always encourage young people to discuss issues with their parents or guardians.
We also offer a health and wellbeing website for Surrey students aged 11 to 14. Please visit the section above to find out more.
Be Your Best, run by Action Surrey, is all about helping your family to better health by supporting them to eat better, move more, and improve general wellbeing.
North East
- Spelthorne team tel 01784 883 695
- Elmbridge team tel 020 8979 6464
- Epsom, Ewell and Banstead team tel 01372 730 040
South East
- Mole Valley team tel 01372 384 327
- Redhill and Tandridge team tel 01883 340922
South West
- Waverley team tel 01483 362 631
- Guildford team tel 01483 362 629
North West
- Woking team tel 01883 340 922
- Surrey Heath team tel 01276 21799
- Runnymede team tel 01483 362 618
Parents and carers can also contact the School Nursing team through our Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line.
The School Nursing team can give advice and information about a range of issues including early toileting, sleep, behaviour, healthy diet, dental care, school readiness, heights and weights, mental health, eating disorders, minor illnesses, internet safety and more. They can also help with referrals to other services.
Parents/carers of children aged 5 to 16 years who go to school in Woking are invited to meet the School Nursing team at a local drop-in. This child health drop-in at Eastwood Leisure Centre is on the first Wednesday of each month between 9.30am and 11.30am (including school holidays). No appointment is necessary and a soft play area is available for any younger children.
Surrey Heath
Parents/carers of children aged 5 to 16 years who go to school in Surrey Heath are invited to meet the School Nursing team at a local drop-in. This child health drop-in at Places Leisure Camberley takes place on alternate Tuesdays between 9.15am and 11.00am. No appointment is necessary.
Parents/carers of children aged 5 to 16 years who go to school in Runnymede are invited to meet the School Nursing team at a local drop-in. This child health drop-in at Crouch Oak Surgery takes place on the 3rd Monday of the month between 9.30am and 11.15am. No appointment is necessary.