When you are around 28 weeks pregnant, the Health Visiting team will write to you and offer you the opportunity to discuss your pregnancy and your baby’s wellbeing including:
- the support you may need for the future
- how you feel about becoming a parent
- the support around you including what to expect after your baby is born.
The following sections have useful advice and information including details on how to book a Bump and Beyond antenatal session and how to access our free online 'Understanding your pregnancy' guide.
Free Bump and Beyond virtual antenatal sessions with the Health Visiting team are available for you and your birthing partner to attend from 28 weeks pregnant onwards.
You can book your session online.
The virtual session includes: the role of the Health Visiting team, emotional wellbeing and breastfeeding your baby.
You can view the website links provided in the session on our Bump and Beyond webpage.
For breastfeeding tips, advice and information, please visit the Breastfeeding and infant feeding page.
- Infant feeding including breastfeeding
- UNICEF guide to 'building a happy baby'
- Talking to your baby (BBC Tiny Happy People website)
- Sleep and your baby
- Safety advice
- Alcohol in pregnancy - the Chief Medical Officers for the UK recommend that if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant, the safest approach is NOT to drink alcohol at all, to keep risks to your baby to a minimum.
- The effects of smoking on your child's health and support to quit smoking
- Medicines in pregnancy - most medicines taken during pregnancy cross the placenta and reach the baby. Before taking any medicine when you're pregnant, including painkillers, check with your pharmacist, midwife or GP that it's suitable.
Even before birth, your baby is listening and learning. Singing and talking to your unborn baby can help their language development. Find out more by watching the videos on the BBC Tiny Happy People website.
You can visit the Healthy Surrey website for advice on your emotional wellbeing.
The Insitute of Health Visiting website also has emotional wellbeing tips.
Watch the video to find out about the Surrey perinatal mental health service.
Do you know why Vitamin D supplements are important for you and your child?
Please read more on our Vitamin D page where you can also find information about the Healthy Start Scheme.
Read more about eating well during pregnancy on the First Steps Nutrition website.
If you're pregnant or planning to get pregnant, you can start doing pelvic floor exercises immediately.
The exercises will lower your chance of experiencing incontinence after having your baby.
Find out more about exercise in pregnancy, including pelvic floor exercises, on the NHS website (exercise in pregnancy).
You can understand more and view a video on how to do pelvic floor exercises on the NHS website (pelvic floor exercises).
You can visit the the POGP website for more information about pelvic floor and other conditions in pregnancy.
The Squeezy app supports your pelvic health and is designed by physiotherapists. Please note there is a cost to this app.
If you and/or your children are scared, frightened, being controlled or hurt by someone you know or live with please contact:
- Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline on 01483 776 822 (9am to 9pm, 7 days a week)
- Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line on 01883 340 922 (8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays) to contact the Health Visiting team
- Your GP
In an emergency, call 999.
Visit the Healthy Surrey website for advice, advocacy, practical help and support.
Baby Buddy is free a pregnancy and parenting app which provides trusted, evidence-based information and self care tools for parents, co-parents and caregivers in Surrey.
It aims to empower you to build your knowledge and confidence, from early pregnancy to your child’s first birthday with:
- Fun, engaging interactive features to ‘learn without the burn’
- A huge video library – including tips on breastfeeding and the Small Wonders Change Programme for premature and low birthweight babies
- Out of the Blue – videos promoting mental health
- Support and advice particularly tailored to dads
- ‘Today’s information’ - personalised, bite-size daily updates
Watch the video to find out more
99% of parents using the app say that it’s easy to use and has helped them to take care of their children.
Download the app from your usual app store by searching on ‘Baby Buddy’.
Families living in Surrey can get access to free online guides that include top tips from childcare, education and NHS health experts.
Visit our Free guides: understanding your baby, child or teenager page to find out more.