The sections below give safety advice and information you and your child. You can also visit the Child Accident Prevent Trust website for more information.

- Car seat safety and The Lullaby Trust website: It is recommended that you avoid travelling in cars with pre-term and young babies for long distances. Research into the link between car seats and SIDS found young babies may be at risk of breathing difficulties if they sleep in a seated position for too long. Visit the for more information.
- Sleep and your baby page for advice about safe sleep.
- Safe baby wearing - follow the T.I.C.K.S rule
Seasonal safety tips
- Summer safety tips for advice about keeping children safe during summer.
- Spring safety tips for advice about keeping children safe in springtime.
- Autumn safety tips for advice about keeping children safe in Autumn.
- Festive safety tips page for advice about keeping babies and young children safe over the Christmas holidays.
- Winter safety tips page for advice about keeping babies and young children safe during colder weather.
Visit the Safe Space Health website for advice for teenagers on keeping safe.
If you and/or your children are scared, frightened, being controlled or hurt by someone you know or live with please contact:
- Surrey Domestic Abuse Helpline on 01483 776 822 (9am to 9pm, 7 days a week)
- Surrey-wide 0-19 Advice Line on 01883 340 922 (8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays) to contact the Health Visiting team
- Your GP
In an emergency, call 999.
Visit the Healthy Surrey website for advice, advocacy, practical help and support.