Accessibility tools

Children and Family Health Surrey One Stop online portal

We are pleased to advise that the recent technical issues with the on-line Riviam portal have been resolved and we have returned to business as usual.  

As a reminder:-

GP referrals to Mindworks Surrey (children/young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health)

These should be made via e-RS, and this is available to all Surrey GPsPlease do not send referrals via email

GP referrals to CFHS One Stop (children/young people’s physical health)

Following the recent issues with the online portal, we are prioritising the set-up of e-RS for GP colleagues for referrals into the CFHS One Stop. We will communicate with you further when this is operational.  In the meantime, we would ask you to please continue to use the Riviam online portal to make referrals  . Clinic letters can be uploaded after some basic demographic details are added to the form.